Reach - Local
"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
and sisters of mine, you did for me.” —Matthew 25:40
By viewing our community through the eyes of Jesus, we’re better able to see the needs of our friends and neighbors. Let’s go “all-in” together, serving the various organizations we support around the state of New Mexico.
Food Pantry
The New Covenant Food Pantry operates year-round, serving families and individuals from our church. During this unprecedented time, this ministry is more critical than ever and we are grateful for your continued support. Donations are currently being accepted at the Worship Center on Sundays from 9:30am - 11am. Staff is available for unloading to preserve social distancing.
Current Food Pantry Needs:
NCC Food Pantry needs the following items:
The NCC pantry serves multiple families weekly. We are in need of the following to continue helping those families:
Food Pantry Items: Fruit Cups Mac and Cheese CEREAL Hamburger Helper Vienna Sausage Capri Sun Soup Canned Corn Laundry Supplies Toilet Paper Paper Towels
E.G. Ross Weekend Food Kits: Pop - Top/Easy open Ravioli, Soups, Spaghettio’s Ramen Cups Mac n cheese (Microwaveable Cups) Fruit Cups Pudding Cups Fruit Snacks Granola Bars Individual Chips Cookie/Cracker Packs
Please contact the office at 505-857-9875 to coordinate weekday deliveries, or bring your donations on Sunday mornings.
Thank you for your generosity.
New Covenant CARES about the low income children in our neighborhood! We send Weekend Food Kits home with 30 kids from EG Ross Elementary EVERY Friday! Each kit contains 6 easy to prepare Meals, PLUS snacks so no child goes hungry!
We still need soup and ravioli with easy open lids, mac and cheese and ramen, and individual oatmeal packs. Snacks are also needed. Individual bags of chips, fruit snacks, granola bars, pudding cups, fruit cups, and cookie/cracker packs to name a few. PLEASE make sure cans are POP - Tops, and try to buy in bulk, in cases or boxes. If you prefer to donate financial support, checks should be made out to: "NCC", with "EG Ross Kits", in the memo line.
30 kids is a 20% increase from last school year…and we’re counting on your KINDNESS, so we can do even more very soon. Thank YOU for praying for this project, and these kids.
Meal Train
Sometimes one or our own need help with meals to get through a few days after a new baby comes, a major illness or surgery, or even a death in the family. Joining our meal train ministry means that you can bless someone with a meal, just a few times a year.
UpB4 the Son Ministries & Charities, a 501c3 non-profit presents Bedz4Kids. In just a short period of time, NCC has moved over 8000 people from the floor into beds! Yet every week, many more families ask for help. Our goal is to provide a safe, comfortable bed to every child in New Mexico. Our only limitations are available beds and volunteers.