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New Covenant Church


We are thrilled that you’ve found your way to our digital doorstep. Take a moment to explore what makes New Covenant Church a special place. Connect by getting involved in our ministries and be a part of a community that seeks to reflect the love of Christ and make Jesus known in all we do.

We’re not just a church; we’re a family, and we believe that you are an integral part of it.

Join us Sundays at 9:00 or 10:30 am

- A time for worship and solid Bible teaching

- A friendly and community-centered environment

- Safe, engaging, age-appropriate, Bible teaching classes for children

Our Logo

The meaning of our logo is in the “N”, which represents the veil in the temple being torn from top to bottom, symbolizing the creation of the New Covenant. During Jesus’ time, the temple in Jerusalem was a place for worship. Within the temple, the Holy of Holies was a special area separated by a thick curtain, symbolizing the gap between people and God due to human sin. Only the high priest could go behind the curtain to seek forgiveness once a year. At the moment when Jesus died, this curtain dramatically tore from top to bottom, signifying that His sacrifice was a sufficient payment for sins. It indicated that now the way into God’s presence was open for all people, for all time - a significant change, as God no longer dwelt in a temple. Now, thanks to Jesus, everyone can approach God directly. The torn curtain represents Jesus as the way to God, replacing the old system of rituals. This change means people can confidently and boldly approach God under the new covenant.