In NCC Women’s Ministry our mission is to cultivate a vibrant community of women dedicated to treasuring Jesus Christ as the center of our lives. Through heartfelt Bible study, intentional discipleship, and inspiring events, we seek to deepen our relationship with God and one another. We are committed to being rooted in God’s Word, growing in faith, supporting each other in love, and equipping one another to live out our Christian values in every aspect of our lives. Together, we strive to be a shining light that reflects the love and grace of Jesus to our families, communities, and beyond.

Women's Ministry 2024 Schedule


Caught up = to be excited about something and having trouble thinking about anything else.  Has it been a while since you have been "caught up" in God's presence?  Where being with Him enamors your heart, captivates your soul and distracts you from the troubles of this world? Our NCC Ladies Spring Retreat will be an opportunity to be reminded of the character and goodness of God, to evaluate where we are on our spiritual pilgrimage and to linger in His presence.

Our study of some of the Psalms will provide a roadmap to remember whose we are and where we are going and press us toward a higher place with God. 

We will be at Glorieta Adventure Camp in the beautiful Sangre de Cristo mountains just outside of Santa Fe and just 1 hour drive from our church.  The cost includes hotel style lodging (double occupancy or single occupancy, catered meals, all your materials, a t-shirt).  Cost does NOT include transportation to and from Glorieta camp but a car pool and/or ride-sharing can be organized.  Our time together will provide times of teaching, worship, small group discussion, testimonies and personal time alone with God. Saturday afternoon will be free with optional activities to participate in at camp or just take a nap or shop in Santa Fe!  


Women's Bible Study collective is about developing deep roots in scripture through Bible Study.

This study will help you be firmly rooted in God's Word while also experiencing fellowship, encouragement, and accountability with other women. Childcare is provided for an additional $15 per family for the semester if needed.

The book of Colossians points us to Jesus! This letter gives us a beautiful picture of our Savior and compels our hearts to worship and adoration.

Whether you have been studying the Bible your entire life, or this is the first time you have ever studied God's Word, we think this study will encourage your heart and point you to Jesus who satisfies our souls. 

Colossians | 6 Week Study | Rooted in Him equips believers to: 

  • Learn joy, peace, and contentment are found in Christ alone.

  • Recognize how Colossians points to the preeminence of Jesus through each verse 

  • See Who Jesus is & how we can follow in His ways 

We will meet weekly on Monday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 am beginning with an introduction on Monday, March 25th and ending Monday, May 6th.

The cost of the study is $10. Childcare is also provided, please add that on your registration if needed.


“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul." - Proverbs 27:9

Interested in building community with some lovely NCC moms? If you are looking to seek Biblical wisdom from other moms these meetups are for you! Regardless of what stage of motherhood you're in, all are encouraged to join!

The purpose of "Mom Meetups" is; to share parenting strategies, seek wisdom about cultural issues, and cover each other in prayer, all while staying rooted in the Word. There will be a special topic for discussion each Mom Meetup. 

Mom Meetups meet quarterly. Stay tuned for more information about our next meeting this summer.


Mom's Cafe is a place for mom's to gather, fellowship, share, create and grow closer to Jesus together.  We meet once a month on a Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:00 am.  A typical time together will consist of fellowship, discussion of the current book we are covering, a special speaker or panel discussing a "mom" related topic and, of course, coffee!!

For the Winter/Spring 2024 we will be studying "Worthy". We allow many things to define our identity and worth: our marriages, career plans, our children's behavior! But none of these truly satisfy, because all these things can change. When we allow these pursuits to define who we are, we navigate life insecure and longing to know our true selves.

"Worthy" is a 4 session study on identity in Christ. It explores the titles we have through our relationship with Jesus: child, heir, slave, and saint. We will look through God's Word to discover what God says about who we are.

The cost for the Winter/Spring including your book is $10. If you need childcare please include that information in your registration. There is no extra cost for childcare.

For more information email Anna Adkins at

Winter/Spring 2024 Mom's Cafe dates:
January 17th
February 14th
March 6th
April 10th
May 8th

Flourish final.png


FLOURISH is a mentoring ministry intended to unite ladies in Biblical mentoring relationships where they are growing in truth and love together as they dig into scripture and invest in the precious gift of shared time.

We will be using the book by the same name, "Flourish". From the book...
"Flourish together in community. God created us for community. He perfectly and purposefully designed the church as a body of believers because He knew we could not do this life alone. We need each other. As women making our way through this messy and often broken life, we benefit from the wisdom and encouragement of those who have gone before us and reflect Jesus."

"This yearlong mentorship between an older woman and a younger woman is rooted in the unchanging truth of scripture that holds the power to transform our lives. This unique journey is designed to:
- Build relationship and community with a mentor and help you grow
- Explore what scripture says about God's Word, prayer, identity, calling, gratitude, and other relevant topics
- Challenge how your individual story fits into God's larger redemption story"

If you are interested in either being mentored or mentoring please register as either interested in being a "mentor" or "mentee" to be added to an interest list and Anna Adkins will be in contact with you to share more information.  Once you are paired with someone the cost of the book for the mentee is $30.

Flourish registration opens each Fall. Stay tuned until August 2024 for new registration oppertunities.

WOVEN is a knit and crochet prayer ministry, dedicated to comforting our community. We will be making lap blankets for any individual that is in need of some extra comfort and assurance that God loves them and is with them.

We will meet every 2 weeks on Thursday mornings, beginning January 12th, 2023, from 9:30 to 11:30 am to connect with each other, create and pray for those receiving these handmade creations.

Childcare is provided for a fee of $10 per family for the semester.
Each participant will need to provide their own materials. If you would like to learn to knot or crochet, there will be opportunity for that.


CHRISTMAS TEA - December 7th, 2024