Wednesday night equip. classes meet every week from 6:30-8 pm in the Worship Center. Our second semester is from September 6 - November 15 and we are studying "The Church In Babylon" by Erwin Lutzer. You can purchase your book and download/print the 35-page study guide, or register to get the study guide on September 6th by clicking the links. Please bring your Bible, a binder, and writing utensils. No childcare is provided at this time.

The Church In Babylon:

Daniel was a young man who resolved to remain faithful to God while also serving a nation that hated God. Like Daniel and the remnant that accompanied him, we must learn to engage the culture without being corrupted or destroyed by it. But how? That is what we will explore together over the course of three months as we learn to honor Jesus in the midst of things like historical revisionism, the Woke movement, transgenderism, homosexuality, pornography, abortion, terrorism, and more.

Join Pastor Dave and the NCC family as we explore these topics and more starting Wednesday, September 6, and running through Wednesday, November 15 from 6:30 pm-8 pm each night. You must purchase The Church In Babylon by Erwin Lutzer on either or and print off a copy of The Church In Babylon Study Guide & Workbook by clicking the button. Please order your book and print your study guide by clicking the links.

Order from Amazon here.

Audio & Downloads From Each Week’s Class

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7:

Week 8:

Week 9:

Week 10:

Week 11: